Winning in the Oxford dictionary means gaining, resulting in, or relating to victory in a contest or competition.

However, my meaning of winning is persistence till you bring out a good result. To be a winner can seem so simple. But, the truth of the matter is that no one can get a trophy without sacrifice, practice, persistence, encouragement, patience, boldness, believing in God, believing in yourself, and determination. So, before you can be a winning woman, you have to possess these virtues.

Deborah in the Bible won a battle that brought King to flight by her boldness and belief in the word of God. Jael killed Sisera with her wisdom and courage (Judges Chapter 4). There is nothing like microwave success; anything achieved with the shortcut will not last. Persistence and determination are common to winners. Be a winning woman believe in yourself, and persist in doing what you think will bring the breakthrough; winners never quit, and quitters never win. Your success is around the corner; continue a little longer and put in more effort.

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